Saturday, 7 February 2015

January Favourites

It's a bit late but I'm finally getting round to doing my January favourites! So let's get straight into it...
So first up is this HUGE tartan scarf. I picked this up in Primark for just £5! I couldn't believe this as I'd seen an almost identical one in Zara for nearly four times the price. For Primark, it's actually really good quality- it hasn't frayed and is super soft. This has been perfect in the bitterly cold mornings because I can scrunch it up around my neck to keep me warm, I've discovered it can also work quite well as a blanket in lessons (I'm constantly cold in school!).  

So for makeup I have loved whipping my Naked palette out recently. I feel like over Christmas I really neglected this because I had loads of new products to try, but almost every time I've been out this month I've used this on my eyes. I've got my 'go to party look' coming up in a post very soon and this of course will be making an appearance ;)

Next up is this Gosh blush in Flower Power. It's a really beautiful true pink colour that is perfect for everyday wear. It's not too bright but makes me look nice and 'cheeky' first thing in the morning, if that makes any sense?! I bought this because Fleur De Force wore this on her wedding day, but I've only really started using it frequently recently.

And finally for makeup is the Benefit They're Real Mascara. You would have seen this in my What I Got For Christmas post, and I can confirm it has become a staple for me! It literally has no faults! Personally I don't even struggle removing it which I didn't expect to find as it is notorious for being a bugger to get off. The brush is awesome, the formulation is spot on and you know- the packaging nice too.

This month I've had a few parties and these two hair products have been getting a lot of love due to this. I love having big loose curls and my Phil Smith Jumbo Hair Curler does this spot on. I've had this for ages but found it really difficult to actually get a curl from it. After a lot of practice I think I've work it out. Now with this you are never going to get a really defined curl, just accept it's impossible. However for a loose natural curl it makes a huge difference if you hold the curl afterwards and let it cool a bit. Although this is a curling iron, I prefer to use it as a wand because I hate the clip (my hair just gets caught in it making the whole situation far too stressful).

The L'Oreal Elnett Satin Hairspray holds my curls all night long. This isn't normally something I struggle with because my hair does manage to hold a curl well naturally. However what stands out to me about this products is that it is so fine and therefore it doesn't make my hair feel all crispy like concrete. It just feels like hair! Also I have the infinite shine version so apparently it has light reflectors in. Now I don't know much about the science behind it, but what I can tell you is that it keeps your hair looking shiny/glossy and it doesn't look like you're earing hairspray.

Lastly is Gossip Girl. You probably are aware of my love for this ever so glamorous series, and I hate to tell you but I actually finished it at the start of January!! I loved the ending even though I'd already worked out who was Gossip Girl, and I literally can't express just how much I love it!!

Thanks for reading xxx

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