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Source- Sprinkle of Glitter |
Initially I didn't think I would do this post because I thought it could be quick boring considering there are so many new year posts around at the moment but I felt really inspired after reading Louise's (aka Sprinkle of Glitter). Also everyone says you're more likely to do something if it's written down, so touch wood!
As I've got older I've actually got worse at sticking to my New Years resolutions (in 2009 I managed to give up ketchup for the whole year!!), but his year I'm going to give myself steps to make my resolutions more achievable. So here we go:
- Drink more water- I'm going to continue to take a water bottle to school but I will aim to drink the whole bottle by the end of the day. Then when I get home rather than having a cheeky diet coke I'll have a glass of water. Ideally I'll only be having a water alternative with my dinner. I hope this will make me feel more alert, happy and maybe perform some miracle with my skin?!
- Drink using straws as much as possible- I won't do this with water because the aim of this is to keep my teeth as white as possible! My teeth stain so easily so even when using a whitening toothpaste they constantly look a bit yellow :( so whenever I do enjoy that diet coke or an orange juice etc. I will enjoy it through a straw...my mum's going to buy a big box of straws in this week's weekly shop.
- Go for a run once a week- This is to hopefully improve my stamina, as a hockey player stamina is really important for me to perform well in matches. The plan is I will go for a run on a Wednesday afternoon because I come home at about 1pm so it'll still be light and not too busy!
- Make and stick to a revision timetable- This year is massive as I will have to sit my AS levels. I desperately want to do as well as possible and I know that means I have to get organised ASAP. This evening I'm going to plan a realistic revision timetable that I know I can actually stick to. I made one for my GCSE's and it was for too optimistic!
- Do Friday evening bedroom tidying sessions- Recently my bedroom has been super tidy and I've been loving it, whenever I have too much clutter I feel trapped and can't motivate myself to do anything, so my Fridays will be spent keeping my room spick and span- unless I get a better option ;)
- Do my homework as soon as I get home- With my nice tidy bedroom I'll have the space to do this. The condition with this is that I have to remind myself I don't NEED to be watching that episode of Gossip Girl and Coronation Street can be watched on catch up. When I'm doing my work I want to fully concentrate on it, so fingers crossed I will get it done a million times quicker and better.
- Spend my free periods at the end of the day actually studying- So often when I finish early I convince myself that it's okay to grab a Costa before getting the bus home. However now there'll be none of that, I'm going to go to private study and do any work that needs doing. I might even think the night before of something to do so I know I'll have the equipment I need. The perk of this is that I'll still be able to walk into town with my friends :)
- Do 52 posts on Just Jen during 2015- In general I'm very organised about when and what I'm posting and sticking to my Saturday schedule. However I have a very busy year coming up with my AS levels quickly approaching and another jam-packed summer. Therefore I know it's not realistic for me to post every single Saturday, so I want to make sure that by the end of the year I have done enough posts to be the equivalent of one post a week.
- Be nicer to my family- I adore my family but I know I can be really horrible to them if I'm upset or tired or I've had a bad day, and I know that that's just not fair. So this year I'm going to remember no matter how I feel its' not their fault. If I'm nicer to them when I'm feeling crap then this might even cheer me up, no matter how stubborn I am!!
- Save up some money- I'm spender. I always have been. Because of this I never have any money whatsoever. That jam-packed summer I mentioned- well it can only happen if I have a bit of cash! So every time I go to buy something I will think do I need it? Will I regret this in a week? How much do I want to be able to afford my summer? My purse is staying shut for the time being!
I'd just like to add that 2014 was amazing. I've achieved so much and I'm really proud of myself. One thing in particular I'm proud of is of course is Just Jen. At first this blog was just going to be for the summer but I love it so much! I have loads planned for 2015 so be sure to stay tuned ;)
Thanks for reading xxx
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