Saturday, 30 May 2015

A Catch Up

So following on from my last post, I thought I'd fill you in on some of the things over been up to over the last couple of months but haven't had a chance to share with you:

  1. I turned 17!
  2. Started driving
  3. Visited the Cindrella Exhibition in Leicester Square

Glass (crystal) slipper from Cinderella

      4. Had my annual Easter Egg Hunt

6-leggeded race at the Easter Egg Hunt
  5. Done a ton of revision!
     6. Nearly finished year 12...
     7. My big brother turned 21
     8. Fitted in a bit of shopping ;)
     9. Signed up to do the Race for Life Pretty Muddy 5k

I feel a bit disappointed I couldn't even think of 10 points to tell you... that's literally how sad my life has been over the last couples of months aha!! But from here on out stay tuned for more posts- we're back on track (and I've restored my mental state).

Thanks for reading xxx